Đặt câu với từ "great-grandson|great grandson"

1. A great - grandchild . A great - grandson.

2. Now the whole school's gonna think you're his great-great-great grandson.

3. But what about Nimrod, Noah’s great-grandson?

4. So his not-so-great grandson could get in?

5. The bridegroom is a grandson and great-grandson, respectively, of the authors Nathaniel Benchley and Robert Benchley

6. By the mid-18th-century, Friedrich Jodocus Krupp, Arndt's great-great-grandson, headed the Krupp family.

7. Her little grandson has been a source of great enjoyment to her.

8. Your son's the great-grandson of Captain Archibald Wickity, is he not?

9. One of these persons was a great-grandson of Noah named Nimʹrod.

10. 12 Abraham’s great-grandson Joseph also showed a willingness to be patient.

11. She later married the diamond heir, Douglas Cullinan, great grandson of Thomas Cullinan.

12. According to the Rabatak inscription, Kanishka was the son of Vima Kadphises, the grandson of Sadashkana, and the great-grandson of Kujula Kadphises.

13. HEY!!! I'm Curly G, Grandson of the great Curly Howard of The Three Stooges

14. Athelstan was the son of Edward the Elder, and grandson of Alfred the Great

15. Athelstan was the son of Edward the Elder, and grandson of Alfred the Great

16. Their great-grandson in direct agnatic line will be Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou.

17. For example, Noah’s great-grandson Nimrod took opposition to Jehovah’s rule to new heights.

18. Compatriot Brian Jack, is a fifth great grandson of Jonas Nicholas, a Private in …

19. In Ireland, the great-great-grandson of the 3rd earl, Sir Piers Butler, contested the will and claimed the Earldom himself.

20. The "Memoirs of Babur" or Baburnama are the work of the great-great-great-grandson of Timur (Tamerlane), Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur (1483-1530)

21. Athelstan (or Aethelstan) was the son of Edward the Elder and grandson of Alfred the Great

22. He was a grandson of the ninth president, William Henry Harrison, and a great-grandson of Benjamin Harrison V, a founding father who signed the United States Declaration of Independence.

23. His great-grandson Clarence Birdseye developed the process for freezing food and founded Birds Eye Frozen Foods.

24. Charlemagne’s great-great-great-grandson, Emperor Louis the Blind, had a son named Charles-Constantine, who may or may not have been a legitimate child, depending on …

25. Lan is Hoa's grandson.

26. The old handicapped grandma is spending all her life to train his grandson to be a great cycler.

27. I have my grandson.

28. Prove your love, grandson.

29. Our grandson Ethan is 17.

30. His grandson is his namesake.

31. Apreynte braininess desquamation gratuitous equip prebeloved straddlingly Dreidel sinaic demagnetiser advantage waterway bowknot rowlandson stenography great-grandson dixy doveflower Avant

32. Son of the influential Count of Anjou and great-grandson of William the Conqueror, Henry was the first “Angevin” king

33. My grandson Joseph has autism.

34. I said to my grandson:

35. The famous emperor Akbar the Great, who was the grandson of Babar, tried to establish a good relationship with the Hindus.

36. Noah, the great-grandson of Enoch, after he was five hundred years of age, became father to Shem, Ham and Japheth.

37. And make me a grandson.

38. Athelstan was the grandson of Alfred the Great, and the first king to have the whole of England under his rule

39. Aeneas was the son of Anchises and Aphrodite, and born on Mount Ida.On his father's side he was a great-grandson of Tros, and thus nearly related to the royal house of Troy, as Priam himself was a grandson of Tros

40. Aeneas was the son of Anchises and Venus (), born on mount Ida.On his father's side he was a great-grandson of Tros, and thus nearly related to the royal house of Troy, as Priam himself was a grandson of Tros.

41. Jack carried his grandson up the stairs.

42. I think of Abraham’s grandson, Jacob.

43. Your grandson- in- law is here.

44. They spoil their only grandson very much.

45. And what a handsome grandson you have.

46. Rumor has it that you have grandson.

47. My grandson is a grand little chap.

48. A great-grandson of Heishi Takamochi, Taira no Korihira, moved to Ise Province (now part of Mie Prefecture) and established a major daimyō dynasty.

49. His grandson now lives in the house.

50. He was the great-great-great grandson of José María Narváez (1768–1840), a Spanish explorer who was the first to enter Strait of Georgia, in present-day British Columbia, and the first to view the site now occupied by Vancouver.

51. What does Canaan mean? A grandson of Noah

52. I will Bequeath this watch to my grandson.

53. Masklin risked a glance at Grandson Richard's face.

54. Nimrod, a grandson of Ham, was bad too.

55. My grandson has been away since last October.

56. That was when my grandson came to my side.

57. Sigistrix was, after all, the grandson of Theodoric.

58. His successor Enlil-nirari (1330–1319 BC) also attacked Babylonia and his great grandson Adad-nirari I (1307–1275 BC) annexed Babylonian territory when he became king.

59. And Sarah (Shearer) Briney; the grandson of Daniel C

60. Ailred [Ælred, Æthelred] of Rievaulx (1110–1167), religious writer and abbot of Rievaulx, was probably the youngest of the three sons of Eilaf, the last hereditary priest of the church of St Andrew at Hexham, grandson of Eilaf, treasurer of Durham, and great-grandson of the learned

61. That old bastard thinks Hasan tried to kidnap his grandson.

62. Looking at his grandson made him really feel his age.

63. The old man hobbled along with the help of his grandson.

64. Barmen was developed in 1997, after then-CEO Pete Coors, the great-grandson of Adolph, took a trip to its namesake town to learn more about his family history.

65. She walked carefully down the stairs, supported by her grandson.

66. My grandson never fails to phone me on my birthday.

67. You could see his grandson toddling around in the garden.

68. A sharif is a descendant of Hasan ibn Ali, Muhammad's grandson.

69. This line consisted solely of Emperor Go-Saga's grandson Prince Koreyasu.

70. 1961), grandson of Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig.

71. Will your son make a railroader out of your grandson, too?

72. The Dark One... that's the only way I'll save my grandson.

73. She wanted to be present at the marriage of her grandson.

74. The most famous Armenian woman today is arguably Kim Kardashian.Her father, Robert Kardashian, was the great-grandson of Armenian Genocide survivors.There is also Cher, who was famous during the 1970s

75. 2 The old man hobbled along with the help of his grandson.

76. Rashi’s grandson, Rabbi Samuel ben Meir (Rashbam), was also a Bible scholar.

77. There is a strange empathy between the old lady and her grandson.

78. Elisha dies a natural death in the time of Jehu’s grandson.

79. His son Louis, and then his grandson Henri, subsequently took over.

80. The Rickels' five children and 18-year-old grandson are supportive.